Privacy Policy




Henwal uses Klarna Checkout. You can choose between invoice, direct payment, card payment or bank transfer. Klarna also offers partial payment plans. Payment methods may vary depending on your country and the credit worthiness evaluation Klarna has made on you.


We always try to deliver your order as quickly as we can. The regular delivery time for shipments in Sweden is approximately 2-4 working days. It is the buyers responsibility to ensure that the address given to us at the time of payment is correct, and that the buyer picks up or receives the delivery at his or her pick up point within a reasonable time frame, usually fourteen (14) days after dispatching.

The eventual delivery fee is shown at the checkout. We have fixed prices for different areas. The prices are as follows: Sweden – 50 SEK, Nordic countries (Finland, Norway, Denmark) – 100 SEK, the rest of the world – 150 SEK.

The delivery is completed by a third party chosen by our logistics partner. Usually, this is DHL for Sweden and UPS/FedEx for the rest of the world. Our deliveries are traceable.

Right to withdraw/Returns

The customer has the right to return their orders within fourteen (14) days of the orders arrival to the pick up site. This is given that all products are unused, unharmed and that the plastic protection film is not removed. The customers will stand for return shipment and potential new shipment for substitute products, unless a clear mistake can be proven on Henwal’s behalf.

The customer has the right to withdraw their order within fourteen (14) days of the arrival to the pick up site. This is given that products are unused, unharmed and that the plastic protection film is not removed. The customer will stand for return shipment. Henwal has the right to check and decide on the condition of the products before the payment is returned to the buyer.

Address for returns is:

C/O Dreamlogistics
Fanérgatan 14B
56633 Habo, Sweden


We reserve rights for typos and misprints, wrongful information, prices, and errors in specifications on all of our products and our services. All photographic information on our site shall be seen as illustrations and we can not guarantee that our pictures exactly or rightfully replicate the appearance or character of our products. The customer is responsible that numbers, background colours, logotypes etc are accepted and according to regulations in regards to intended purposes.

VAT & Customs

Orders and deliveries outside the EC/EU may be subject to additional VAT and/or customs costs. The customer is responsible for these payments.

Wear, tears and safety

Henwal gloves are made of latex of the highest quality. The soft nature of the latex is bound to wear quickly after being taken into use. Some wear may be visible directly after the first use. This is regular and is not a sign of a faulty product. The seams of the gloves may come under a lot of pressure, especially if the glove is very snug or too small. The seams may break.

Artificial turf will cause more serious wear to the latex and the gloves than regular grass. By buying our products, the customer understands that usage of Henwal gloves on artificial pitches may shorten the lifetime of the gloves.

Our gloves are not made to protect goalkeepers from injuries. Our gloves do not provide enough protection to ensure that users will not endure injuries to fingers, wrists or other parts of their bodies. Henwal takes no responsibility for possible injuries that our customers may experience.


Regarding disputes, where the customer is a private person we have a policy to always follow the recommendations of Allmänna Reklamationsnämndens (ARN). Disputes or conflict between two or more companies are usually solved in court.


Personal information

We always aim for the highest level of quality and customer satisfaction. This is why you and your personal information are of the utmost importance to us. We have high demands on safety och and we work according to the European Unions new Data Retention Directive, GDPR. This means that we always handle the information our customers has provided us with extreme care and responsibility.

What is personal information?

Personal information/records/data is information and data that directly or indirectly can be directed to a natural person who is alive. Examples on personal data are names, personal identity numbers, addresses, e-mails and phone numbers. This can also apply to customer numbers, encrypted information and diverse electronic identities like IP-numbers, as an example.

What personal information do we gather and why?

We will collect the following contact information when you become a customer at Henwal: name, address, e-mail, phone number, and in some cases, your social security number. Vi also gather information about means of delivery, eventual delivery point and IP-address. The purchase agreement we’ve agreed on with you constitutes the legal grounds for treatment of your personal information and is necessary for us to fulfil our juridical obligations and to complete this agreement we’ve entered with you regarding delivery and payment, for example.

How do we use your personal information?

We treat your personal information to identify you as a customer, to handle and to deliver your order as well as to handle billing and payments. We also process your personal information to be able to help you if you contact us with questions, points of view or complaints, as examples.
We use your personal information for emails with information about our products and services. You can revoke your consent to receive emails, campaigns and offers whenever you want by contacting our customer service or by clicking the unsubscribe-link attached in every email.

We will never share your informations to any unauthorised parties or sell them to third parties..

Who do we share the personal information with?

We share information with Klarna, to make payments, invoices and billings possible.
Our logistics partners will receive the necessary information to complete and deliver your order.

You can always contact us to find out what information we have registered about you. If they are false, inadequate or irrelevant, you may ask for this information to be corrected or removed. The easiest way to contact us is via

Cookies uses cookies when you visit this website. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or your mobile device when you visit a website, which later can be acquired from your computer by the website. Cookies are used to ease the use of a website by for example remembering your choices and settings, and partly to develop the website and analysing your behaviour. Certain functions will not work without cookies.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies on our website to improve your experience, to gather information for marketing and to be able to develop the website.

User experience
We use cookies to remember what you’ve written in, for example, forms so that you can navigate on the website without having to fill in these forms every time you go to a different page. We use cookies to optimize the speed of the web site.

We do not use cookies in the purpose of direct advertisement on our web site. However, third party cookies are used for targeted advertisement. These cookies can, for example, be used to choose target group based ads or in other ways customise the web sites you see by advertisement or adapted content, also known as personalisation. 

Web development
We use cookies to gather anonymous, aggregated statistics that enables us to understand the amount of visitors our website has and to help us develop our websites structure and content.

What kinds of cookies do we use?

Session cookies
For certain functions on to work, showing the right page to the right user, for example, the website uses so called “session cookies”. When you visit our website, our web servers provide your computer with a unique id-number for that unique visit. These cookies lack an expiration date and are instead stored temporarily on your computer’s memory until you browser is closed. You do not need to fill all information multiple times thanks to this cookie.

Persistent cookies
A persistent cookie has a certain permanency, or lifetime, which decides for how long it will be stored on your computer or your mobile device. These cookies are stored until the lifetime expires or you manually remove them.

Third party cookies
A third party cookie is a cookie that is stored on your device on our behalf by someone else than us. These appear when we have suppliers who provide us with services, such as certain analytics services or services that let you share our sites in social networks.

You can configure the management of cookies in your browser

You have the option to block cookies form being stored in your computer in any point of time by adjusting your settings in your browser. You can choose to block all cookies or only certain cookies. You can also delete persistent cookies that are being stored on your device whenever you want. Our website is built to work correctly in all regards even if you choose not to allow the use of cookies on 


Henwal AB

Headquarters: Jönköping
Organisation number: 559180-6327
VAT-number: SE559180632701
Ingemarssons väg 14

+46 72 240 23 67
+46 76 563 35 86